Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Stitched Die of the Month for May 2024 Card

 Well here it is the first of May already.  For those of you that don't know I am still sick with pneumonia and Vertigo!  As if one of them wasn't bad enough, I ended up getting both!  I have been suffering with both for over 8 weeks now, and am finally starting to feel better, but not normal.  Anyway, today I am featuring one of several new monthly clubs from Spellbinders.  This example is of the Stitched Die of the Month called stitched pineapple.  It makes this adorable pineapple design which would look awesome on a card.

To start this card, I began with an A2 card base to which I added a mat of dark brown paper and then a background of some printed paper with gold specks.  Then I cut out and embroidered the pineapple using both embroidery thread and needle from my stash.  I tried to make it as realistic as possible with the supplies I had on hand.  I then added the leaves in three different colors of green to show off the layers.  I found the sentiment in my stash which was stamped in black ink cut out, and popped up with foam squares.  As a final detail, I added some gold embellishments to the front of the card.  

I hope you enjoyed this card and will order and try out this amazing die set.  To view all the clubs Spellbinders offers, simply click here.

If  you click on SOME of the links in the blog or purchase from any of the vendors on the right side of each post,  please use my link (just click on the image for the store you want to use).  It will not affect your purchase in any way, but will provide me with a very small compensation for your order.  Some are affiliate links, some are not.  This is what helps me to be able to purchase new products to share with you!  Thank you!  It is very much appreciated.  

Thanks for stopping by and have an amazing day!

A Stroke of Jeanne-ius
Never Stop Creating

Supply List

DOMST - May 24 - Stitched Pineapple

Platinum 6 Die Cutting Machine

Easy Glide Adhesive Tape Runner

Bearly Art Liquid Glue

Small Foam Squares

Medium Foam Sqares

Paper Trimmer

Detail Tweezers

Detail Scissors

Versafine Claire Nocturne Ink 

A2 Card Base

Best Ever Craft Tape

Thread, needle, embellishment and  papers all from my stash.

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